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Nov 16

Not 10, but 12 Reasons to Choose Air Handling Units TANGRA AHU

  • November 16, 2018

1. Standard modular air handling units with air flow between 3500m3/h up to 70 000m3/h

Air handling units TANGRA AHU are produced as standard ventilation solutions with air flow between 3500m3/h and 70 000m3/h. Air handling units sections can be arranged to fit the available space, providing the optimum size and maintaining the required efficiency at the same time. The easy assembly, installation and commissioning are guaranteed by the expertise in engineering and customized solutions in HVAC.

Климатични камери ТАНГРА представяне дебит и скорост в светлото сечение

2. different types of construction, as well as different classes of hygienic execution.

The construction is based on specialized aluminum profiles and angles. The panels are double skinned (sandwich type) with built-in thermal and sound insulation of mineral wool with a density of 65kg/m3. The outer and inner surfaces of the panels are made of hot-dip galvanized steel covered with a powder coating.

The casing designs of TANGRA AHU are two types for standard construction (ST25 – 25mm panels and ST50 – 50mm panels) and 2 types for hygienic execution – HYG40 – 40mm panels and HYG60 – 60mm panels. Hygienic version air handling units TANGRA AHU HYG cover the 3 classes of the standard DIN 1946-4 (Ia, I b and II). 

Хигиенни климатични камери ТАНГРА   Хигиенни климатични камери в болници операционни зали  Климатични камери ТАНГРА конструкция

3. Different options for heat and energy recovery sections.

TANGRA has more than 25 years of experience in production of heat recovery which is our competitive advantage. Air Handling Units TANGRA AHU allow different heat recovery sections corresponding to the needs of the project and allowing maximal energy savings. Incorporation of heat recovery in the air handling systems, not only reduces the operating costs, but also reduces the emissions and carbon footprint of the buildings and last, but not least helps protecting the planet we will leave to our children.

Rotary recovery wheelsplate heat exchangers and run-around systems are used in air handling unitsTANGRA AHUThe efficiency of recovered heat and energy could be between 45up to 88%.

Енерговъзстановяване, чрез топлообменници с междинен топлоносителРекуператори - топлообменници въздух-въздух TANGRA REC AL  високоефективни рекуператори-топлообменници въздух-въздух TANGRA REC HiE  Ротационни регенеративни топлообменни апарати TANGRA ROT

4. Hybrid air handling units TANGRA AHU DX with two-stage heat recovery and recovery of up to 100% of the waste energy.

Air handling units TANGRA AHU allow selection of machines with direct expansion section DXTANGRA AHU DX are produced in two versions to guarantee highest efficiencycovering needs of projects and combining gentle heating/cooling of air in the premisesCompressors that are incorporated in the units areDC Digital Scroll Inverter, which allow smooth work and intelligent regulation with the needed capacity. Extremely high annual energy eciency is received as a result of the twostage heat recovery. Easy commissioning due to 100% factory testing. The range of air handling units TANGRA AHU DX include two monoblock versions – TANGRA AHU DX-M with general purpose and TANGRA AHU DX-M Pool for swimming pools as well as two „split” modifications – TANGRA AHU DX-S VRF with outdoor unit VRF/VRV and TANGRA AHU DX-S GHP with outdoor unit on natural gas.

Хибридни климатични камери термодинамични рекуперативни блокове

5. Control TANGRA SmartAHU (BMS, Internet control, Co2 / rh, etc.)

Air conditioning and ventilation systems are rarely used at the maximum point of their capacity. 
Optimization of energy costs can be achieved by proper management of the air flows and the parameters of microclimate. TANGRA Air Handling Units are equipped with integrated complete control system. It is based on PLC controller o
ering uncountable number of solutions for customer or advanced user management of the unit. The control systems TANGRA Smart are suitable for both small heat recovery units and also for complex air handling units. It complies with EU Directives (MD, EMC and LVD) and is CE marked.

TANGRA Smart AHU controls:
•  Fan speed control (Manual/Auto/Timer)
•  Automatic By-pass
•  Anti-freeze protection
•  Control of heating/cooling coil
•  Temperature inlets/outlets visualization
•  Energy e
ciency and energy saving visualization 
•  Dirty filter signalization
•  Errors and alarm signalization
•  Regulation of the system according to CO2/rH/VOC

BMS options 
•  Modbus RTU RS 485.
•  Modbus TCP/IP
•  Remote access through VPN (Internet)

Управление на климатични камери   TANGRA Smart control

6. Solutions based on customer wish („Custom-made air handling units”):

TANGRA manufactures both standard ventilation and air handling units as well as those of our clients and partners custom selection. A highly qualified team is responsible for researching the demands and requirements of the project, developing and designing the equipment, manufacturing, assembling and commissioning. This type of solution is of higher capital investment but fulfills 100% of the requirements of both client and project. Extremely suitable for replacement or retrofitting of existing systems in old buildings or construction of new specialized installations. The TANGRA team guarantees the effectiveness of this type of solution and has extensive experience in unique design solutions and air handling units.


7. Free Selection Software:

Striving to optimize the work of designers, engineers and HVAC specialists, TANGRA team has developed, implemented and provided free selection software for air-to-air plate heat exchangers and air handling units. The selection software features a user-friendly interface and multi-language capability, creating projects and quick selections, presenting the selected units in a technical passport and Møller hx chart, exporting to PDF / DWG, printing all items and sections, selected by the user.The software is available for download free of charge on our web site – https://tangra.bg/tools_EN.html


8. Plug&Play solution which is 100% factory tested

TANGRA AHU air handling units are available as a Plug & Play solution with built-in control to make it easier for investors, designers and installers of HVAC equipment. After mechanical installation and electrical connection of the units, the installer only has to start the air handling units from the control board.

100% of the produced air handling units are factory tested before their delivery to the facility. This guarantees customer satisfaction and the certainty that the desired microclimate results and parameters are achieved! “We believe that satisfied customers are our best ad”


9. Well established European manufacturer offering production, delivery, installation, service and maintenance as well as training of installers or maintenance personnel.

TANGRA is a family owned company, restored by Dipl. Eng. Armianov in 1989. His father had a commercial and manufacturing company in the late 1930s. After the Second World War, the company was nationalized and private business was forbidden in Bulgaria until 1989.

Today, the company specializes in ventilation, air conditioning and heating equipment and engineering. The company’s portfolio has a specialized design office for HVAC systems and energy efficiency, a production plant with a total area of 5000sq. m., HVAC laboratory and 3 trade and consulting centers. TANGRA is a proven manufacturer of HVAC equipment with more than 29 years of experience and export in over 15 countries in Europe.

TANGRA offers to its partners, besides high quality equipment, full engineering, chief-installation or complete execution of the site, training of installers and maintenance staff of HVAC systems. From 2015 TANGRA HVAC Academy conducts regular trainings of specialists from Bulgaria and partners in Europe


10.  Air handling units TANGRA AHU comply with all regulations and standards applicable in EU (ErP 2018, Directive 1253/2014, Directive 2009/125/EU)
All TANGRA products are manufactured in accordance with the applicable European regulations, directives and laws. The air handling units TANGRA AHU have been tested and CE marked according to Directive 2006/42/EC. The European regulatory frameworks as well as the Ecodesign directive are strictly followed in the production of TANGRA. All electrical components incorporated in the air handling units are as required by the 2009 Directive 125, and the complete equipment complies with Regulation 1253/2014 as well as the EBPD.


11. Suitable for installation in buildings with BREEAM, LEED or EDGE certificate.
Based on the expertise and customer service we offer, TANGRA air handling units are equipped with the supreme energy efficiency components and they are also used in building rated with energy programs like BREAM, LEAD, EDGE and so on.


12. Certified by TUV Rheinland & Eurovent.

In all TANGRA activities there is an ISO9001: 2015 quality management system and an ISO14001 environmental management system. In addition, TANGRA AHU air handling units have been tested and certified by TUV Rheinland according to the standards DIN EN 1886 and EN 13053. Hygienic air handling units are also tested according to the standards for clean rooms VDI 6022 and hospitals DIN 1946-4.

TANGRA AHU air handling units respond to all recommendations of the German association RLT.

In 2018. TANGRA AHU air handling units have been tested and certified by Eurovent. This makes TANGRA the first and only certified Bulgarian manufacturer of air handling units.

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