Новините на Тангра

Feb 10

Pellet Boilers TANGRA

  • February 10, 2012

Are you ready for winter?

Autumn is the season when everyone has to find a way for heating of his home during the forthcoming cold winter months. We are facing again different solutions with all their positive and negative aspects. Central heating, electricity and heating oil, as well as natural gas are with continuous price growth. On the other hand conveyance and refueling of a boiler with woods and coal requires serious physical efforts.

Why pellets?

Pellets are cheap, ecologically clean and renewable energy source. They are produced of waste wood biomass by pressing under high pressure, without using adhesive substances. Pellets are formed in different diameters but the most common are 6 or 8 mm. This allows their incineration in automatic pellet burners with high efficiency and minimum quantity of ashes remaining.

 Usually, producers of pellets are large wood-processing companies which are using their waste products as raw materials for production of pellets. Tendencies for growth of the number of the manufacturers in the last 3 years creates competitive environment, unlike the traditionally monopolized markets of fissile fuels and electricity.

 Why pellet boiler „TANGRA”?

Pellet boilers „TANGRA” are especially designed for heating and hot water supply of single-family houses, residential and office buildings. During design process of boilers special attention is paid to the full automation and almost full lack of maintenance by the customer.

Advantages of pellet boilers “TANGRA”:

–   working capacity range from 17 up to 35 kW depending on the individual needs;
high efficiency level and work with any kind of pellets: Е = 94%;
automatic regulation of the boiler for higher efficiency, independent of the moment chimney suction and pressure drop;
automatic cleaning using modern electro-pneumatic system for achieving higher efficiency;
automatic cleaning of combusting chamber;
digital controller for easy regulation of burning process and external devices;

–   possibility for control of external devices like circulation pumps, three-way valves, hot water vessel, buffer tank and room thermostat;
all outlets of the boiler are led to the top cover which saves space and makes the installation easier.

For more information please click here!

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