May 1

Spring discount of pellet boilers TANGRA CL 35

  • May 1, 2013
Spring discount of pellet boilers TANGRA CL 35

The spring mood is here after the winter cold weather and snow. Now it is time for us to delight our customers and partners with good news.

Pellet boilers TANGRA CL 35 already have new, spring, lower price. All the benefits of the boilers, as the automatic cleaning system, five step modulation burner and active flow meter, which regulate the fan speed for more efficient combustion process, are included.

Пелетен котел Тangra CL35










Pellet boilers TANGRA CL 35 and TANGRA HP30 are part of the materials financed by the programs for financial support of the Bulgarian households and small and medium enterprises.

More information about the credit mechanism can be found in the pages of the programs REECL and BEECIFF (Energy efficiency and green economy).

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