Apr 10

TANGRA presents advertisement movie for ventilation grilles and diffusers

  • April 10, 2014

TANGRA produce ventilation grilles for 24 years. The production range of the company consists of more than 22 different models of aluminum ventilation grilles and diffusers.

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Ventilation diffusers and ventilation grilles are designed for air supply and exhaust in ventilation systems with different applications. TANGRA produce the following ventilation grilles and diffusers:

  • Ceiling ventilation grilles and diffusers
  • Wall ventilation grilles
  • Ventilation diffusers
  • Diffusers for stoves and chimneys
  • Floor ventilation diffusers
  • Ventilation grilles and diffusers for installation on construction elements

Вентилационни решетки и дифузори

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